27 April, 2024

UK: A big crackdown on trans ideology is on it way within the NHS system!

This is big progressive news coming out of the United Kingdom this evening!

Anti-women terms like 'Chestfeeding' and 'People With Ovaries' are set to be banned outright!

'Transgender women' will finally be banned from female-only wards, allowing our women and girls adequate privacy and rightful protections.

Patients will also be given the right to ask for someone of the same biological sex for intimate care!

Click this link for further news on this NHS story:


13 April, 2024

Please sign this important petition to have Ruth Hunt, ex CEO of Stonewall, stripped of her peerage!

"Strip Ruth Hunt of her peerage for her role in the gender medical scandal."

Ruth Hunt is the ex-CEO of Stonewall.

We, the undersigned, call on members of the upper house to use their powers under the House of Lords (Expulsion and Suspension) Act 2015 to expel Baroness Hunt for her deeply damaging public misconduct.

12 September, 2023

Book your tickets for the fabulous LGB Alliance Conference 2023 now - before they sell out!

Join me in attending the phenomenal LGB Alliance Conference 2023 at the QEII Conference Centre.

Great speakers, an action-packed programme, delicious refreshments, a fun day, an evening disco, and one of the biggest gatherings of LGB people in the country.

And if you see me at the conference, please say Hi!

Book your ticket now by clicking the image below:

01 September, 2023

My statement regarding the small London theatre, Seven Dials Playhouse:

I'm embarrassed for Seven Dials Playhouse, who has abruptly blocked me on Twitter.

As an ex-customer, I find it unbelievable and deeply unprofessional at the behaviour of this small London theatre!

Actions like these will likely lead to this London theatre's demise, and I'll be taking my business and support to more worthy causes.

30 July, 2023

LGB Alliance Conference Tickets 2023 have gone on sale - time to get yours!

I've just booked my tickets for the fabulous LGB Alliance Conference 2023 and look forward to attending, drinking, eating, dancing and meeting everybody again. Including all the newbies!

Have you booked your tickets for this great conference yet?

25 August, 2022

Join me live in this Saturday 27th August 2022 from 7 pm to discuss the cowardly and sinister attacks on LGB Alliance.

I'll be live this Saturday evening from 7 pm (UK Time) discussing LGB Alliance and the trans activists' persistent and cowardly attacks on them.

Since LGB Alliance was founded in 2019
 it's been attacked by deluded and deranged people who are forcing society to believe that a man can be a woman and vice-versa and in full contradiction to science and biology. The same people pushing for the indoctrination of gender theory into our schools for pupils as young as 3 years old.

The professional charity LGB Alliance was set up in opposition to controversial Stonewall, a so-called LGBT organisation that many says have thrown lesbian, gay men, and bisexual people under a bus.

Supported by many LGB people, LGB Alliance is regularly attacked by trans activists who spend their days smearing lies across multi-social media platforms intent on bringing this professional charity down.

Recently controversial Mermaids and their ilk have launched an attempt to have LGB Alliance's charity status removed. Mermaids is a charity which supports and fully endorses children being given experimental puberty blockers and the castration and breast amputations of teenagers. It's unlikely Mermaids can win such a case, likely the whole scenario is based simply to disrupt the LGB Alliance. Let's face it - that's all Mermaids can do!

But attempts to remove an organisation's charity status cost money to fight and LGB Alliance is being forced under our UK law system to raise a quarter of a million pounds.

You can help defend LGB Alliance's charity status from controversial Mermaids' repulsive attack by making a donation to their crowd-funder and sharing across your network.

Please join me this Saturday and let's help LGB Alliance!

12 August, 2022

Tune in this Saturday 13th August 2022 at 7 pm to discuss Women's Sport -v- Gender Ideology

As the trans debate rages on progress is finally being made on terf island after years of campaigning to remove males, however they identify, from women-only sports.

First British Triathlon then English Football Rugby Union and then Irish Football Rugby Union all kicking males, however they identify, out of female contact rugby.

Which sporting body will be next?

Allowing males to be given a platform to cheat and full access to women's changing rooms, showers and other spaces reserved for females is undignified, dangerous and should never have been allowed to happen. The people responsible for this 'perverted' and unreasonable treatment of women should be named and shamed.

I'm calling on all sporting bodies to kick biologically born males, however they identify, out of women-only sports. It's dangerous, cheating and wrecking women's sports.

Please join me this Saturday 13th August 2022 from 7 pm to discuss the future of women's sports and the progress being made, particularly in the United Kingdom, to secure its future.

25 July, 2022

Alex Bloodfire's Stream - Let's talk about controversial Stonewall - Saturday 30th July 2022 at 7 pm (UK) time


Join me streaming live on this glorious and sunny Saturday evening from 7 pm (British Time)

I will be discussing the controversial Stonewall and asking the question is this organisation no longer fit for purpose? How can anyone support this ghastly organisation after the Tweet they put out on Saturday?

I'm so pleased and proud to announce that I'm finally on Trump's Truth Social. So please join me on this platform by following this link: https://truthsocial.com/@alexbloodfire

I'll be discussing trans ideology and its impact on women's sports, women's rights and women's spaces. Now the Rugby Football Union have considered the evidence and is rightfully removing 'trans women' from female-only sports. Fairness in sports must prevail.

Looking forward to meeting and chatting with everybody this Saturday and please join in with the conversation!

20 July, 2022

Alex Bloodfire's Stream - Streaming Live from the night club - Saturday 23th July 2022 at 7 pm (UK) time


Join me streaming live from the glitzy nightclub this Saturday the 23rd of July 2022 at 7 pm GMT

I'll be asking the question why are school teachers at the request of head teachers affirming pupils behind parents' backs. What right do schools have to engage in this type of immoral behaviour against parents?

Is pensioner Biden the world's most dangerous trans activist and is he actually that great for America?

LGB Alliance is being forced to raise nearly a quarter of a million pounds to retain their charity status because it's being challenged by Mermaids and their ilk. So far LGB Alliance has managed to raise a staggering £90,000 to protect their charity. Well done LGB Alliance and the great people that have kindly donated!

More details on the following link:

Please help Defend LGB Alliance's Charity Status

What Mermaids, a so-called charity is doing is awful, don't let this grotesque charity win and share the LGB Alliance crowdfunder!

I'll be bringing you all the eye-watering latest and breaking news on the topic of gender ideology and discussing the damage it's doing to our children, women's sports, women's rights, and society as a whole.

So grab an icy cold drink, hit up the live stream link and join in with the conversation this Saturday at 7 pm.

19 July, 2022

Alex Bloodfire's Stream - Let's save women's sports - Wednesday 20th July 2022 at 7 pm (UK) time

Join Alex under a tree being shaded from this blistering sunshine and record-breaking temperatures.

I'll be discussing pernicious gender ideology and its damaging effect on women's sports, our children's education and society as a whole. We've all seen sporting bodies scrambling to limit trans athletes unfairly competing against females. But is it too late to save women's sports? Have we let a gender ideology manifest itself in all the wrong places?

Please hit the stream link above, grab an icy cold drink and join in with the conversation!