27 April, 2024

UK: A big crackdown on trans ideology is on it way within the NHS system!

This is big progressive news coming out of the United Kingdom this evening!

Anti-women terms like 'Chestfeeding' and 'People With Ovaries' are set to be banned outright!

'Transgender women' will finally be banned from female-only wards, allowing our women and girls adequate privacy and rightful protections.

Patients will also be given the right to ask for someone of the same biological sex for intimate care!

Click this link for further news on this NHS story:


13 April, 2024

Please sign this important petition to have Ruth Hunt, ex CEO of Stonewall, stripped of her peerage!

"Strip Ruth Hunt of her peerage for her role in the gender medical scandal."

Ruth Hunt is the ex-CEO of Stonewall.

We, the undersigned, call on members of the upper house to use their powers under the House of Lords (Expulsion and Suspension) Act 2015 to expel Baroness Hunt for her deeply damaging public misconduct.